Annie Idibia gushes about husband 2baba on social media KISSING HIM (VIDEO)

Annie Idibia and 2baba have been together for many years and officially married for five years yet their love is as fresh as day one.

Annie and 2baba Idibia.
Annie took to Instagram yesterday and today to show her love and appreciation for her husband. It may be a post-valentine's day love display because she didn't put up anything special on February 14.
Annie's first post.
Annie said: "Everyday is a day filled with love for us. It is unconditional love." She also added. "We love us. My G."
Annie's second post.
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With all the news of celebrity marriages crashing, it's great so see Annie and 2baba happy and in love, reminding us that true love will always find a way to be permanent.

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