Tennis superstar Serena Williams takes on US Olympic gold medal winning gymnast Aly Raisman in a thick ass thong battle in the video above and photos below from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.

First up we take a look at the creature known as Serena Williams. As you can see from these pics, Serena is one impressive beast of burden which any red-blooded Muslim man would love to have chained up in his barn. For there is no doubt that this powerful ox of a woman could not only pull the plow through many hectares of land, but could use her mighty hindquarters to till even the toughest terrain thus greatly increasing the yield on our poppy plantations.

Serena WilliamsSerena WilliamsSerena Williams
Serena WilliamsSerena WilliamsSerena Williams
Serena WilliamsSerena WilliamsSerena Williams
Serena WilliamsSerena WilliamsSerena Williams
Serena WilliamsSerena WilliamsSerena Williams
Serena WilliamsSerena WilliamsSerena Williams
Serena WilliamsSerena WilliamsSerena Williams
Serena WilliamsSerena WilliamsSerena Williams
Serena WilliamsSerena WilliamsSerena Williams

Not to be outdone in this battle of athletic ass is Aly Raisman. As you can see in the photos below, even though Aly lacks the impressive overall mass of Serena she is a tighter and more efficient package. For to properly maintain livestock of Serena’s stature one must invest heavily in keeping her trough filled with oats and chicken giblets. However, Aly Raisman could no doubt function exceptionally well for just a fraction of the caloric cost which Serena requires, thus making Aly the smarter buy in the long run in terms of return on investment.

Aly RaismanAly RaismanAly Raisman
Aly RaismanAly RaismanAly Raisman
Aly RaismanAly RaismanAly Raisman
Aly RaismanAly RaismanAly Raisman
Aly RaismanAly RaismanAly Raisman
Aly RaismanAly RaismanAly Raisman
Aly RaismanAly RaismanAly Raisman

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